What is a Learning Disability?

Learning disabilities are unique challenges faced by individuals of all ages. While…

Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA)

Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) is a term used to describe a profile within the…

Internalising and Externalising Emotions

  We all process our emotions differently depending on how we are feeling, our…

Welcome to Moi Clinic!

A big welcome to Moi Clinic! We are excited to be on this journey with your and look…

Early Intervention for Ages 0 – 7 years

When children are little, their brain are growing fast. Children are required to…

A Deep Burn

The sky was blue, daughter dancing amongst the waves and my 23-week pregnant belly…

My Beautiful

Shock. Our senses are as sharp as an axe. It comes after the hit, the crash, the…

COVID-19 Flight, Fight and Freeze

The year 2020 began with an explosion of fire. Ripping through Australia, tearing…

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