The program

developing relationships and sharing interactions

This program is led by a speech pathologist and occupational therapist. The aim is to build a safe space for children to develop their ability to communicate with peers while developing relationships and sharing interactions. This is done through shared activities, such as arts and crafts, free play, board games and shared projects. This group explores the similarities and differences between people and encourages the group to accept one another for who they are. It fosters a place of belonging and community. Where children can learn about who they are and are free to be themselves.

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Program Details

This is a weekly program.

Day: Tuesday

Time: 4:00 – 5:00 pm

Ages: 7 – 10

Open to the public and those under NDIS.

The program

Building confidence and community

  • Children can learn about who they are.
  • Develop communication skills and social skills that are in line with their identity.
  • Increase self-esteem and confidence.
  • Provides a safe space where children feel heard and understood.
  • Provides a neuroaffirming environment that recognises differences and similarities between people.
  • Supports children to encourage one another and promotes inclusivity.


Building skills for school and beyond

Integrating social skills that will help children navigate school, community and other social environments.

Social interactions that matter!

Children are provided with a space to interact with others similar to themselves. The aim to foster belonging within a group that is friendly and accepting.


Children learn about who they are and have space to tell other children things about themselves. The aim is to increase confidence, advocacy and self-understanding.

Who is this program for?


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Book your slot into this program now

The program runs weekly throughout the year. You can joint anytime.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Yes, this program is open to the public and NDIS participants.

    Yes, you can enroll anytime.

    The program runs every week throughout the year.

    $95 per session. Can be billed privately or under NDIS.

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